Integrated Sensor/Computer Airflow Angle System
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Safe Flight’s integrated sensor/computer airflow angle system provides accurate and reliable stall warning, stick pusher, and Angle-of-Attack information. As an integrated package, the system offers a significant reduction in weight, volume, installation time, and maintenance costs.
- ARINC 429 Output
- Analog Normalized Angle-of-Attack
- Stall Warning
- Stick Pusher Discretes
- Internal or External Installation
- FOD-Proof Vane Hinge Design
- 360° Vane Rotation
- Low Drag Coefficient
- Full Temperature/Environmental Qualification
- Vane Replaceable without Computer Removal or Recalibration
Dual Integrated AoA / Stall Warning Systems
For redundancy and cross-side comparison purposes a Dual Integrated AoA/Stall Warning System is often specified. These systems are normally developed with the airframe manufacturer or avionics prime subcontractor. The dual system utilizes two Integrated AoA/Stall Warning Systems along with software for cross-side communication and comparison. Typically, the left and right systems command its own associated control column shakers (pilot/left and copilot/right), while the stick pushers are only activated if both computers command the stick pusher to operate. Data is shared between the left and right systems over ARINC 429 busses. Each computer receives data from both Angle of Attack sensors, and communicates with the other computer via the ARINC 429 bus. Compensated Angle of Attack is computed by averaging the two AoA values and checking the validity of the cross-side’s data. Customization such as providing dual independent synchro outputs from each AoA sensor can be accomplished for customers requiring “dual, dual” system redundancy.
For more information regarding Safe Flight’s various Angle of Attack applications, click on a link below.